
What are the hazards of men's over-fitness? What situations represent over-fitness?

Column:Media news Time:2021-12-23
What are the hazards of men's over-fitness? What situations represent over-fitness?

Boys are very fond of fitness, and we can see that whether in the gym or in the streets, most of the people running are male. Although fitness is very good, we should also know that fitness should be moderate, and excessive fitness is harmful to our health. So do you know what are the dangers of men's excessive fitness? Let's take a look at the fitness knowledge together!

What are the dangers of excessive fitness for men?

1. Increase the incidence of sports anemia.
Anemia is a common word, but it is divided into many kinds, including sports anemia. This symptom is closely related to excessive fitness. Because after a lot of exercise for a long time, it will increase the incidence of sports anemia, which is mostly iron deficiency anemia. Conversely, anemia can cause the decline of sports ability.
2. Promote asthma and other diseases.
People with special diseases pay more attention to sports. If they exercise excessively for a certain purpose, it is easy to cause sports hematuria and proteinuria, or sports asthma.
3. Lose your lean physique.
The main purpose of men's exercise is to have a good body. If they don't exercise scientifically, they will not only have a strong body, but also endanger their own health. Because overtraining will not only cause muscle atrophy, but also cause fat accumulation, and burn more calories than before. The main source of calories here is glucose, or liver sugar and muscle tissue.
4. It is easy to injure limbs.
There is no scientific exercise, but increase the amount of exercise, and you will hurt yourself if you are not careful. When lifting weights, the limbs will be painful, a large part of which is caused by incorrect squat posture, and a part of which is caused by excessive exercise. In the long run, it will affect men's spirit, and it will also affect men's physique, causing men's limbs to be affected.
What is the condition that indicates excessive fitness?
1, dizziness, dyspnea, disorientation, trance, rapid heartbeat and other reactions, then you need to stop exercising first.
2. Emotional irritability or depression, decreased sleep quality, lethargy, weight loss, loss of appetite and frequent illness after exercise also indicate that exercise has been excessive.
3. Add enough water after strenuous exercise to prevent water shortage. But remember not to drink too much water at one time, take a sip and drink slowly.
4. Develop a step-by-step exercise habit, and do an adaptive training first. Don't come to a group of high-intensity exercises on a whim.

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