
What will happen to your body after you stop exercising?

Column:Company news Time:2022-06-06
What will happen to your body after you stop exercising?

What will happen to your body after you stop exercising? 

When we promise ourselves again and again, "We will devote ourselves to training this time," it may be another prophecy that cannot be persisted for a long time. Of course, this is normal. Almost every fitness enthusiast has this kind of situation. After making some trade-offs, he makes the decision to temporarily disconnect the training program. So, today, let's explore what kind of changes will happen to your body in the next time when you are disconnected from training. In 10 days: Your brain has started to change.

For many years, researchers have been exploring the benefits of exercise on the brain, among which a survey report in 2013 pointed out that exercise is likely to help offset the memory loss caused by aging. Now, the research on "aging" in the journal of neuroscience has found that even a short vacation can lead to changes in brain memory from your exercise.

After 14 days (2 weeks): your endurance will drop, and the main strong muscles of your body will begin to change. After just 14 days, you will find that climbing stairs or playing football is no longer as easy as before. Why did this happen? In fact, the most important thing is that your oxygen intake is reduced. For example, when jumping rope and sweating, your oxygen uptake will reach the peak, and your body will have enough oxygen for you to use. However, this physical feature of high oxygen uptake will reduce the oxygen uptake by 10% within two weeks after stopping exercise. After that, it will get worse. After four weeks, your maximum oxygen uptake will drop by about 15%. After three months, it can drop to about 20%, and this is a conservative estimate. Of course, keeping simple exercise can help. A 2009 study found that in the experiment of oxygen uptake of a group of kayakers, the average maximum oxygen uptake of male kayakers who stopped training for 5 weeks decreased by 11.3%, while that of another group of slightly trained kayakers decreased by only 5.6%.

In 28 days (4 weeks): Your strength will begin to decline. Some people will notice that within two weeks after they stop training, their strength has started to decline, but after four weeks, they can form a big gap with those who keep training. Studies have pointed out that the speed of strength decline is often slower than that of endurance decline. For 11 years, a well-known sports research magazine once showed that when a group of men stop doing resistance training, after 24 weeks, they still have a little high-level strength.

Within 56 days (8 weeks): You may start to gain weight. Dr Hameed reckons that after 8 weeks, we will easily notice the changes in our body shape in the mirror, and even excellent athletes will not be immune to rebound. In 2012, it was found in authoritative sports magazines that swimmers who stopped training for 5 weeks had an average increase of 12% in body fat level, and they would see a significant increase in weight and waist circumference. (We should also point out that these athletes are not completely relaxed, and they still do some light and moderate exercises in due course. A study in 2016 also found that excellent Taekwondo athletes stopped training for 8 weeks, and their body fat was greatly increased, while their muscle mass was also decreasing. In fact, that is to say, those gains that you worked hard for by exercising for a long time began to slowly disappear after you stopped exercising for two weeks. OK! Cheer up! Go on fighting! TM series fitness equipment is a safe and effective way to improve physical fitness and muscle feeling. For example, the most typical posture of chest exercise is sitting posture pushing chest, which can effectively improve the density of chest muscles and the strength of shoulder joint, elbow joint and wrist joint. To lay a solid foundation for dumbbell barbell bench press practice in the future.

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